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Home > Show Us Yours! > Clubman Estate Turbo - Been to the rollers!


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So now it goes, stops and even handles well. Steady on, you're getting greedy!! *hehe!*


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1648 Posts
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Carlisle, Cumbria

On 7th Jun, 2021 e5tus said:
So now it goes, stops and even handles well. Steady on, you're getting greedy!! *hehe!*

Its come to bite me in the arse. Got it off the trailer yesterday and gave it a quick wash. I was going to check the electrics and my worn ignition barrel has bitten the dust.


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On 7th Jun, 2021 hazpalmer said:
gave it a quick wash

That's the problem! Treating it too nicely recently, It's growing suspicious.


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1648 Posts
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Carlisle, Cumbria

On 7th Jun, 2021 e5tus said:
On 7th Jun, 2021 hazpalmer said:
gave it a quick wash

That's the problem! Treating it too nicely recently, It's growing suspicious.

I bought a new barrel and I've stick that on. I've not ran it up since though, I bought a new set of plugs as it has been running on 3 cylinders. I put on a new forge bleed valve to replace the ebay jobby I had. Even though it's fully shut the time being.

I need to sort out some rolling road time just to check fuelling and ignition timing, but there's some small jobs to sort before then. Mike with the silver mini with K head turbo engine has a rolling road and is local so was planning to use him. As always I have now money, and we're in the middle of buying a house so might be a while yet.


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5417 Posts
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Double hard bastard

brookwood woking

Good to see your still at it mate 👌👌👌

I have started posting on Instagram also my name on there is turbomk1golf

Nothing is impossible it just costs more and takes longer.

On 1st Nov, 2007 Ben H said:
There is no such thing as 'insignificant weight saving', it all adds up.


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Carlisle, Cumbria

On 15th Jun, 2021 madmk1 said:
Good to see your still at it mate 👌👌👌

Cheers, still plugging away.

I was bored the other day so took the mini and up and the road. All was going well until a big back fire and the engine cut out. I spun it over and got another back fire. So I left it and pushed the car home. Luckily some people saw me and gave me a hand pushing.

So yesterday and today I was checking the trigger wheel position. Looks like it was 180 degrees out. I did install the trigger wheel 6 or 7 years ago. So best course of action was to strip it down find TDC and reset the missing tooth. When I came to undo the bottom pulley bolt I found it was lose. So I'm assuming it has slipped knackered the ignition timing causing the back fire.

On Monday I'll get some loctite to make sure it isn't loose again.



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Carlisle, Cumbria

Back together now. Trigger wheel slipper and threw the timing out. It's had thread lock on it now.

I've revised the oil drain, new inlet/exhaust gasket. New bimetallic strip in the carb as it would lean out enough at idle using the mixture screw, so I'm hoping this well help. Similar issue to what E5TUS was having. New float and dash pot seals then revised the air filter inlet as well.

All prep getting the car ready for the rolling road.



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1648 Posts
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Carlisle, Cumbria

Back together now. Trigger wheel slipper and threw the timing out. It's had thread lock on it now.

I've revised the oil drain, new inlet/exhaust gasket. New bimetallic strip in the carb as it would lean out enough at idle using the mixture screw, so I'm hoping this well help. Similar issue to what E5TUS was having. New float and dash pot seals then revised the air filter inlet as well.

All prep getting the car ready for the rolling road.


Turbo Phil

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Lake District

Oooh exciting! Nearly there now mate.




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9502 Posts
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Doncaster, South Yorkshire

Looking good mate

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett


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1648 Posts
Member #: 9038
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Carlisle, Cumbria

Not much progress as usual. Can't remember if I said we bought a house? We moved in, in August. So I've been busy with that and a busy work schedule and the weather turning.

I've been cashing a alternator charging fault. Turns out when I changed the starter motor wiring I didn't attach the alternator wires to the new solenoid. No wonder it wasn't charging! Almost MOT ready, just need some bulbs maybe some holders for the dash lights and it should be ready.

Managed to lose my log book in the move! So £25 to the Dvla and I can declare the car tax exempt.



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On 24th Oct, 2021 hazpalmer said:
I can declare the car tax exempt.
Jealous. I've got a few years left


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1648 Posts
Member #: 9038
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Carlisle, Cumbria

On 25th Oct, 2021 e5tus said:
On 24th Oct, 2021 hazpalmer said:
I can declare the car tax exempt.
Jealous. I've got a few years left

It's one less thing to worry about at least.

Got my dash lights sorted yesterday. Just the fog light to go and book tha MOT


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Carlisle, Cumbria

Monumental day today! First MOT in 8 years and it passed! Took the mini for a little rip and its awesome! It's running rich at the moment. I've got a BCA needle in the carb.

I was just want to say thanks to this forum, because without it I don't think I'd be where I am now with the car. Hoping to get a few road miles on the car as a shakedown then get to the rollers. I was planning to use Mike's rev shed (brown cow racing) as he is local and knows turbominis.


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1648 Posts
Member #: 9038
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Carlisle, Cumbria

Monumental day today! First MOT in 8 years and it passed! Took the mini for a little rip and its awesome! It's running rich at the moment. I've got a BCA needle in the carb.

I was just want to say thanks to this forum, because without it I don't think I'd be where I am now with the car. Hoping to get a few road miles on the car as a shakedown then get to the rollers. I was planning to use Mike's rev shed (brown cow racing) as he is local and knows turbominis.


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7265 Posts
Member #: 1268
The Boom Boom speaker Police!


Nice one! It’s great to have them back after an extended period off the road.

In the 13's at last!.. Just


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428 Posts
Member #: 10128
Senior Member


Wayhay! Big milestone, get it tuned and then get some miles on it

Turbo Phil

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4629 Posts
Member #: 20
My sister is so fit I won't show anyone her picture

Lake District

Great stuff.




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2636 Posts
Member #: 1246
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Lowestoft, Suffolk.

Well done.


Pete B

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Calne Wiltshire

Good work nice to see another one back on the road


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1648 Posts
Member #: 9038
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Carlisle, Cumbria

The rolling road with Mike is booked for next Saturday. I'm busy this weekend sadly. I drove the mini yesterday to pick my daughter up from school. It seems lean at low revs, think I need to richen the idle up a little.

Currently boosting on actuator pressure which is around 0.5 bar. AFRs on boost seem good. Before next Saturday I'm going to re torque the head studs. Gap some fresh plugs, change the HT leads for new, and swap the current oil for CTV.

I hope to run around 1 bar if boost. Anyone want to guess HP?

Engine is

1310 with omega 10cc pistons
Avonbar phase 2 cam
6581 crank with ARP rod bolts (standard a+ rods)
Benross cylinder head (can't remember exact spec came off oli79s car)
Minispares clubman S/C C/R box
Jack Knight straight cut drops
RTS clutch and minispares lightened flywheel
Fusion fabs manifold and downpipe
Chinese GT1752 turbo
Bosch BOV valve
Ram Air filter
Playmini 2" exhaust
Forge bleed valve
AH fabrications intercooler (same as Nic before he went side mount)
X pin diff
Minispares super cool 2 core rad


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2636 Posts
Member #: 1246
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Lowestoft, Suffolk.

160 'nanna's?



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1648 Posts
Member #: 9038
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Carlisle, Cumbria

On 4th Nov, 2021 shane said:
160 'nanna's?


I'd be happy with that.

Took the mini to work yesterday, I richened the mixture screw before I left. That made the low rpm a little smoother. I re torqued the head while I was there, its drilled for 11 studs.

On the way home I pulled over as the engine was warm, and richened it a touch more. Low 13s/high 12s Afr at idle the engine seemed a lot happier pulling from low rpm now.

At home I swapped the wiper arms and blades over. I had some cheap chrome ones that were useless, also one of the blades was a defect on the MOT. I've fitted the black hook type used on the later minis with bosch blades. I checked the manifold studs and tightened those up. I also ordered a forge dump valve to replace the plastic bosch copy I have currently, just for peace of mind.


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428 Posts
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You've a very good chance of those numbers and upward. I'm very interested to see what this engine spec does with mine in bits currently... Tyres may be your limiting factor on the rollers.

BCA (if standard) will lean out at towards the top end and will need polishing to buy you some fueling for the boost.

Good luck


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1648 Posts
Member #: 9038
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Carlisle, Cumbria

BCA is a lot richer top end then the BDD. I've got both so I might swap them about this week and see what the AFRs are like.

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