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9502 Posts
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Doncaster, South Yorkshire

nice figures there

interested in a look at you dyno'd timing map though *wink*

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett


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i'll post it later, there's a large block of 32's from 4500 rpm and some weird numbers at low revs to try and iron out the chocking around 2500 rpm.

used the map you converted for me and changed some of the figures, had a bad day the wednesday night before the rollers when it blow the head gasket :( , managed to gt one on the thursday and rebuilt in time.

droped the standard MJ map into get to RR and set limiter @4k.

drives miles better now than with the dizzy though.

On 6th May, 2013 Brett said:
nice figures there

interested in a look at you dyno'd timing map though *wink*

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile


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9502 Posts
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Doncaster, South Yorkshire

that was your mates map wasnt it?

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett


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this is what i ended up with, dont know why all the 32 are in on vac but engine stayed in one piece *smiley*
happy with the outcome though, but open to advice on the map on vac. dont fancy doing another head gasket though.

the original map was smiffy's, think to much advance / poor fuel and right foot killed the head gasket.
lesson learnt trust me.

On 7th May, 2013 Brett said:
that was your mates map wasnt it?

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile


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having made my goal of getting under the 17 sec 1/4 mile mark with a poor 16.8 compared to mates 15.6 turbo mini @ 12psi :( i have decided at last to go for it and build a complete turbo engine. :)

already have a standard 1275 complete engine and gearbox sat on the bench and a BENROSS head that only requires the chambers resizing, that is currently in the mini, thats where im at :).

looking at running the gt1752 turbo on a mirage type manifold so the questions are
1.what dish pistons should i be looking at (10cc???).
2.compression ratio.
3.usable boost from the gt1572, looking to run around 12psi may be a little more at MITP.
4.what power would you expect.

oh already have MJ as can be seen from previous posts.

sorry for all the questions and i'm sure there will be more to come.

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile


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ok gents, i have joined the turbo revolution and started to source parts to complete the engine transplant over the winter period.

parts sourced so far:
complete standard 1275 engine and box.
manifold and plenum - cheers brett
turbo carb - cheers dan
mirage type manifold - cheers matty
gt1752 turbo

i can see many late cold nights in the garage over the coming months *happy*

sorry there are no pictures at present :(

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile


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9502 Posts
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Doncaster, South Yorkshire

looking forward to seing it mate
still havnt posted your stuff off yet *blush*

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett


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dont make me travel over the hill *angry* theres no rush just hurry up *tongue*
i'm a long way off using them yet, need to look at getting pistons / block and crank done next month.
would you recommend getting it wedged or bladed, been looking at carl's services want main strap doing too.

was looking through your old build, whats with polishing the center web in the box.

On 5th Sep, 2013 Brett said:
looking forward to seing it mate
still havnt posted your stuff off yet *blush*

Edited by lee.pb on 5th Sep, 2013.

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile


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9502 Posts
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Doncaster, South Yorkshire

my crank had everything except bladed ( my choice) blading 'allows' the crank to cut through the oil mist easier but also removes weight from the counter balance - i read this is not good to the point some people ( non mini) choose to drill the 'lighter' crank metal out and fill with super heavy metal

but in all honesty you dont need to rev a boosted engine to get it to shift so a worked crank could be classed as un necessary, indeed alot of members on good power use standard cranks

i polished the centre web to remove casting marks and stress risers because its free and proven to work, how much of a difference it made no idea lol

On 5th Sep, 2013 lee.pb said:
dont make me travel over the hill *angry* theres no rush just hurry up *tongue*
i'm a long way off using them yet, need to look at getting pistons / block and crank done next month.
would you recommend getting it wedged or bladed, been looking at carl's services want main strap doing too.

was looking through your old build, whats with polishing the center web in the box.

On 5th Sep, 2013 Brett said:
looking forward to seing it mate
still havnt posted your stuff off yet *blush*

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett


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cheers for clearing them bits up brett, think i'll just run the standard crank. might as well polish the centre wed since is an easy is job and fit a windage tray once i've built the box up.

need to think abour cams too, been looking at phase 2 or the MED T5. looking to run around 14 psi norrmal with a little more on the strip *happy*

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile


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9502 Posts
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Doncaster, South Yorkshire

i never really liked my phase2 but that was with a t3 turbo i thought it felt a bit lacking in the off boost region

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett


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this is going to be an open topic before i decide to purchase a cam, beleive the standard mg turbo cam is ok but that is not an option in the build.

On 6th Sep, 2013 Brett said:
i never really liked my phase2 but that was with a t3 turbo i thought it felt a bit lacking in the off boost region

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile

Tom Fenton
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The standard MG Metro Turbo cam is actually nothing more than a Metro 1275 big standard cam, it is bobar.
What you want if on a budget is the normally aspirated MG Metro camshaft.

On 29th Nov, 2016 madmk1 said:

On 28th Nov, 2016 Rob Gavin said:
I refuse to pay for anything else

Like fuel 😂😂


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9502 Posts
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Doncaster, South Yorkshire

the n/a mg cam ( or kc500) is what i had in mine,
i loved the cam, seemed to fall on its face between 6300-6500 rpm though
i had one in my n/a mg engined clubby aswell

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett


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I found the phase 2 very good with a GT17 turbo.

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it



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i have the ph2 aswel lee, its good. and i have seen them on ebay for a relatively cheap price now and again.


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not thinking about the cost tom, but there is a line.

if i need to buy a cam thats not an issue as its not like you can change simply, same as gearbox internals.

best doing it right the first time.

i'll keep an eye out on fleebay as still cant get hold of AVR classics

On 6th Sep, 2013 Tom Fenton said:
The standard MG Metro Turbo cam is actually nothing more than a Metro 1275 big standard cam, it is bobar.
What you want if on a budget is the normally aspirated MG Metro camshaft.

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile


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made some small process today :) managed to dig out spare block and crank ready to be machined, crank is totally standard so going to get it reground when i get the block bored next month, only going 1293 but still should produce ample power @ 15 psi BOOOOOOOOOST.

also been for a short road trip to pick up a gt1752 and spare hif44 n/a carb.
turbo is in good condition with no damage to impellers, there is a little play in the shaft but going to rebuild it, already started to strip it down ready for the rebuild *surprised* still need to source a socket to remove the nut on the intake impeller to allow further stripping.

still awaiting the post man with plenum, inlet manifold and modified n/a carb, also have two intercoolers to pick up for trial fitment to work out where to put the intercooler while my n/a engine is still in the mini.
its now time to hit the search button on here and get some reading done :(

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile


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more toys arrived last week *happy*
one being the intercooler, with is bigger than the guy said when i as the question about it *angry*
he only measured the core which would of fit perfectly if it was just that size.

lucky enough another member of NWMC came to the rescue with an Audi TT on that is much smaller *happy*

tried some test fitting and looks like the TT one will fit without much hassle apart from having to remove the air scoop and make a new coilpack bracket, bonnet stay will have to be put in the car as it will foul a hose :roll: just need to order a couple of 90 degree silicone hoses to check clearance.

also received another carb which looks like the turbo / engine it came off had a slight KABOOM issue (oil everywhere) sure i can make a decent turbo carb out of the two n/a then one can go back on ebay *happy*

thanks again to Brett for the plenum and intake manifold that also arrived.

mini getting MOT's next saturday then off the road from end of october until april, when hopefully the turbo engine will be completed and running.

Edited by lee.pb on 28th Oct, 2013.

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile

Rob Gavin

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Are you going to duct or cut holes in the bonnet for the cooler? The reason i ask is i tried the tt cooler in mine but didn't want to cut holes on the bonnet. I ended up changing it for a seat ibiza unit which i got sitting behind the grille.


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its a work in progress at the moment rob, dont really want holes in the bonnet if possible as looking for that sleeper look *happy* more than likely create a scoop to force air through the cooler than around it.

may have a look at the seat intercooler too *happy*

On 15th Sep, 2013 Rob Gavin said:
Are you going to duct or cut holes in the bonnet for the cooler? The reason i ask is i tried the tt cooler in mine but didn't want to cut holes on the bonnet. I ended up changing it for a seat ibiza unit which i got sitting behind the grille.

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile

Rob Gavin

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I'm after the same sleeper look. Don't me wrong, the tt cooler is supposed to be good, just didn't suit my install.


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been looking through your build gav and my engine bay will be very similar to yours when completed *surprised*

was looking at removing the brake servo but see you manager to route the cooler pipe around it, is that pipe off the seat too?

the only issue is it may foul my coilpack bracket thats fitted to my bell housing *angry*

On 15th Sep, 2013 Rob Gavin said:
I'm after the same sleeper look. Don't me wrong, the tt cooler is supposed to be good, just didn't suit my install.

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile

Rob Gavin

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A couple of the hoses i used came with the cooler so i'm assuming they are off the same car. It was pretty tight working around the servo and the breathers but it all just fits.

Let me know if you want any more specific shots


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cheers rob, i let you know when i get round to it.

On 15th Sep, 2013 Rob Gavin said:
A couple of the hoses i used came with the cooler so i'm assuming they are off the same car. It was pretty tight working around the servo and the breathers but it all just fits.

Let me know if you want any more specific shots

What the mind can conceive the mini can achieve
MITP 2012 17.01 seconds 1/4 mile against "The Don"
MITP 2013 16.83 seconds 1/4 mile

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