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Rod S

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Re. Karl's point, looking closely at the 12.5psi plots it is certainly strange that there is an inverse mirror of the IGN and AFRs.

In fact the IGN curve around that area looks strange anyway, it looks like it has retarded too much as the boost (MAP as seen by the MS2) has peaked.

Now that by itself may have been responsible for the mirror image AFR spikes (does fuel burn better or worse when you over-retard the ignition ?) but the first question would be, does that IGN plot actually match what you have in the MAP/RPM timing table or is there an external effect ?

But the main thing I'm seeing is that MAF is almost completely flat from 4800RPM onwards, even falling slightly. So, although that explains why power also remains flat, what is the fundamental reason ?

Looking at the pressure graph that includes exhaust pre-turbine all the curves suggest the wastegate (or the way it is controlled) is slow to start opening, then opening too far, too fast. Even the MS2 MAP reading, although a lot more ragged than Robert's damped one, has peaks and troughs that exactly match the turbine and compressor pressures.

Thus my best guess is the control of the wastgate needs improving. That may be just a case of playing with the settings in MS2 or it may be some tweaking of the hardware is required (actuator spring and/or pre-load) or, more likely, the sizing of the orifices on the Amal valve (assuming you are still using that control valve).

The other interesting aside is the AFRs produced by the SU carb. Not the charge robbing but how the AFRs continue downwards (get richer) once the MAF has flatlined. We know the MAF meters work, both ours have been on Robert's flowbench, and the airflow maxing out at 4800RPM is plausible as the increasing RPM is offset by falling boost pressure, but the fundamental way an SU works is the oil filled damper restricts the rate of rise of the piston as the engine accelerates and airflow increases, thus increasing the localised airflow over the jet itself increasing the "suction" above the fuel thus making the mixture richer. Then once the piston has reached equilibrium the localised airflow over the jet should be back to normal and mixture back to normal (as defined by the needle profile and spring rating). But your AFRs do the opposite, they don't richen up as the MAF rises fast but they do as soon as the MAF is steady.
That makes me think Karl may have a point above about detonation (maybe not as extreme as detonation but the fuel not burning fully for some reason) or it may be back to my comment about the IGN curve.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???

Graham T

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On 30th Dec, 2017 Rod S said:

The other interesting aside is the AFRs produced by the SU carb. Not the charge robbing but how the AFRs continue downwards (get richer) once the MAF has flatlined. We know the MAF meters work, both ours have been on Robert's flowbench, and the airflow maxing out at 4800RPM is plausible as the increasing RPM is offset by falling boost pressure, but the fundamental way an SU works is the oil filled damper restricts the rate of rise of the piston as the engine accelerates and airflow increases, thus increasing the localised airflow over the jet itself increasing the "suction" above the fuel thus making the mixture richer. Then once the piston has reached equilibrium the localised airflow over the jet should be back to normal and mixture back to normal (as defined by the needle profile and spring rating). But your AFRs do the opposite, they don't richen up as the MAF rises fast but they do as soon as the MAF is steady.
That makes me think Karl may have a point above about detonation (maybe not as extreme as detonation but the fuel not burning fully for some reason) or it may be back to my comment about the IGN curve.

I think I can take a stab at answering this.

The hi-boost Needle over ride feature was employed for the “12.5PSI run”.
A fairly simple pull knob device retrofitted in the cockpit as part of the Carburettor conversion…

As mentioned, Boost control duty for this run was set at 100%, which essentially should have been the same as disconnecting the signal pipe from the Waste Gate actuator.
Over boost protection was set at 215Kpa (16.5PSI).
So I’d assume the fact that the Choke was open meant that fuel was being poured in regardless of the piston/ needle position, hence why the AFR's continued to drop.

This is possibly not the best example of the top power run we made. I’m currently producing a graph of the previous run, which was around the same boost, but only at 90% Boost control duty.

I’ll also answer the rest of the comments in a while.

Edited by Graham T on 30th Dec, 2017.

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Siamese 5 port EFI testing

Rod S

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On 30th Dec, 2017 Graham T said:

So I’d assume the fact that the Choke was open meant that fuel was being poured in regardless of the piston/ needle position, hence why the AFR's continued to drop.

In that case you would then be forcing down EGTs and hence turbine performance just at the same time as the wastegate was opening too far and too fast...

On 30th Dec, 2017 Graham T said:

This is possibly not the best example of the top power run we made. I’m currently producing a graph of the previous run, which was around the same boost, but only at 90% Boost control duty.

Good, that should be more representative.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???

Graham T

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On 30th Dec, 2017 Rod S said:

Looking at the pressure graph that includes exhaust pre-turbine all the curves suggest the wastegate (or the way it is controlled) is slow to start opening, then opening too far, too fast. Even the MS2 MAP reading, although a lot more ragged than Robert's damped one, has peaks and troughs that exactly match the turbine and compressor pressures.

Thus my best guess is the control of the wastgate needs improving. That may be just a case of playing with the settings in MS2 or it may be some tweaking of the hardware is required (actuator spring and/or pre-load) or, more likely, the sizing of the orifices on the Amal valve (assuming you are still using that control valve).

This is my take on why the power flattened out:
The Waste Gate actuator has a 10PSI spring in it (forge Motorsport Green Spring).
I only had 2.5mm preload set, which I have now increased to 4mm, but I’m just waiting to get out for a drive to see if it has had any effect.

With the Waste gate actuator signal effectively open to atmosphere, the exhaust gas pressure has reached the point that it overcomes the waste gate spring and is dropping boost.
Because there is no signal at all to the actuator, there is no damping on the waste gate which is exaggerating the fluttering.??
Also, to note, the waste gate actuator does cause a spike: testing with a syringe, it does not gracefully open, it moves with a “pop”, almost like it is sticking before opening.
Of course that’s just my theory…

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Graham T

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And yes, the boost controller duty cycle needs playing with, the intention will be to raise the duty cycle with RPM in order to try to smooth out the initial spike.

I also forgot to add the restrictor pills that I needed originally to get the boost controller to actually do its job. No Rod, I’m no longer using the Amal Valve, I could not get it to work, and instead I have a MAC 3-port boost solenoid.

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Graham T

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On 30th Dec, 2017 Rod S said:

In fact the IGN curve around that area looks strange anyway, it looks like it has retarded too much as the boost (MAP as seen by the MS2) has peaked.

Now that by itself may have been responsible for the mirror image AFR spikes (does fuel burn better or worse when you over-retard the ignition ?) but the first question would be, does that IGN plot actually match what you have in the MAP/RPM timing table or is there an external effect ?

The plotted figures from my carb session seem to correctly represent what is in the IGN Advance table.

Firstly, you can see from the graphs that there was a rogue figure in the IGN timing table at 2000RPM, around 100 – 120KPA, I’ve sorted that now.
And yes, the Ignition figures are well retarded on my 211KPA line, right the way through the rev range.
Those are the “safe” figures I had in from my original SRE 2015 RR session for the 16PSI run - 18Deg.
That is 4deg less advance than the next line down, which is at 194KPA, but is more than I ran at the SRE Dyno session

SRE Dyno session with Ign Adv trace:

’77 Clubman build thread

Siamese 5 port EFI testing

Graham T

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On 29th Dec, 2017 Doodmeister said:

Did you have any EGT sensors you could look at.

I only have EGT sensors in the AFR sample chambers, but I think they give a good representation of the overall EGT Trend.
Apparently though, the Inner EGT is not working. (a lose connector I have already mended once…)

For comparison until I have all the data compiled for the previous run:

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Graham T

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On 29th Dec, 2017 Doodmeister said:
Yes Graham your correct you would see issues or noise on all the related sensors of the 5vref is unstable. From looking at the graphs it appears that the IGN is a direct inverse of the MAP after 4000rpm. Is the IGN being clipped/controlled by the MAP signal in the ECU ? Even the AFR's show some of the same peaks as the other signals so i'd have to think you have some what of a noise issue.

Karl, the Ignition is not being clip that I am aware of.
Traction control was disabled, Over boost protection was at 215KPA and soft rev limiter set to 6400RPM, and you can see the rev limiter taking effect at the very end of both the 8.2PSI and 11PSI runs.
I think there is a noise issue, but specifically on the MAF sensor. I’m just about to start investigating that.
I have had a lot of noise issues in the past, mainly down to the HT leads, but I think I mostly cured that.

But I’m thinking would the AFR’s have peaks like the other traces? If Boost is bouncing and affecting IGN advance for example, presumable there would be a knock on effect on AFR’s?

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Paul S

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Peak VE/torque at 4800 rpm is pretty respectable. 160hp on 12.5 psi is also OK.

If you want to maintain or improve peak torque, then I would look at manifolds, cam and turbo, not ignition and fuel settings.

I can't find details of your manifolds as your photos have disapped.

On 30th Dec, 2017 Rod S said:
But the main thing I'm seeing is that MAF is almost completely flat from 4800RPM onwards, even falling slightly. So, although that explains why power also remains flat, what is the fundamental reason ?

Edited by Paul S on 30th Dec, 2017.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Graham T

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Pictures re-added to the remote turbo Manifold thread.

I was pretty happy with those figures, but obviously I have a few issues to work through:
- Questionable MAP readings.
- Resolve low down boost or lack thereof. It was producing more boost at much lower RPM. I am hoping it is just to do with WG Actuator pre load and or Boost controller set up.
- Increase Maximum Boost, which I think again is just WG Actuator pre load and/ or Boost controller setup.
- Clean up the MAF signal.
My next step then will be to build a new Injection Manifold with slightly longer runners than the MPI Manifold, increased Plenum size, and see if I can get it built to fit the space and run staging without having angled injectors biasing the off staging fuelling.
Eventually I might look at an alternative turbo, maybe a GT1752 with a smaller turbine A/R. I think this one is 0.48. I believe the GT1752 does come with smaller A/R (?) but I’ve not yet found one in my limited searching.
But those changes like turbo and CAM would ultimately wait until after I have some comparable data for EFI.

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Graham T

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Here is the last set of Dyno Data for the Carb Dyno Session. This run was at 90% boost duty.

Both HP and Torque are fairly comparable, but at peak power the “90% boost duty” run was at 13PSI, so 0.5PSI higher for 1HP less power.
For peak torque the MAP pressure differences were negligible for ~3lbs/ft less torque.

Pressure data for the “90% boost duty” run:
I have added Sample chamber EGT to this graph.
Pre Turbine Exhaust pressure is marginally higher than for the "100% boost duty" run at 6000RPM, which corresponds with MAP.
Also the trace is slightly less spikey.
EGT in the sample chamber is ~11 Deg C hotter for the "90% boost duty" run, but also the AFR’s are ~0.8AFR higher.

This is the "100% Boost duty" 12.5PSI Pressure graph with Sample chamber EGT added for comparison:

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Joe C

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Interesting stuff,

I dont normaly follow the 5 port efi stuff too closly as I'm not into iner outer timings and AFR's but do keep an eye on it especially the MS stuff, although i am well out the loop at the moment!

the MAP vs timing is interesting, in MLV can you see if the MAP spikes are dipping the advance into another advance map box? possibly one with a fairly diferent value.

Also what have you got the Map averaging lag factor set to in TS? on my 7 port I used the fuel filter with a mig tip stuffed up it trick, even with my big plenum this seemed to take out a little raggedness of the MAP signal and seemed to work better than messing with the MAP averaging in TS, maybe a plenum resonence in my case.

Youve also mentioned the WG preload, im wondering if somthing in the WG circuit could be causing the pressure fluctuation, but the innovate would probably pick that up, unless as mentioned the signal is getting damped,

could another possibiulity wiuth that high rpm MAP advance fluctuation be a bit of valve bounce? or the onset of ex guide binding?

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?

Graham T

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I thought there was a little trace thing in MLV when the tuning console was open, but I cannot see it, otherwise that would have been easier.

So using my amazing Paint skills:

IGN Advance is changing 0.1 Deg per KPA between the 174 and 194 KPA rows.

The MAP Averaging factor is set to 50, which I think is default.

Does the fuel filter with MIG tip trick introduce any lag in the MAP signal?
Also, what size signal pipe are you using to be able to get the ends on a fuel filter?
Actually, that also begs the question is my current 3mm signal pipe too small so I am losing the damping effect of a larger bore pipe?

The valve bounce theory is also something Robert and I discussed on the day. I was not sure what springs had been installed.
I have no receipts for them, but apparently they are “180Lbs”. They are Double springs if that makes any difference.
I’ve no idea if that is strong enough or not.
I’ve now upped the WG pre load and put my Restrictor pills back in the boost signal pipes.

I’ve also Tee’d the Air filter MAP sensor into the MS2 MAP signal tapping.
I just need it to not rain so that I can go out for a drive and get some results.

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Siamese 5 port EFI testing

Joe C

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I thought there was too, under show tuning console or somthing, but its years since ive actualy used MLV,

yep, 50 is the default avg, lower is more avg higher less, it would be interesting to see it with none I think.

so from your pics the advance is stacking up, its going halfway from a 24 deg box to a 22 deg one, so is retarding about a degree,

my sig pipe was about 3-4mm bore silicon, the stuff thats normally used for plumbing to dump valves, wastegates etc, with a good push it would go over the fuel filter, allegedly hose length dosent have any noticable effect on signal propagation, not sure about the "damper" slowing it. I did have issues with the pipes blowing off at high boost, so the next engine will use those ptfe hoses and connectors used for small welding gas bottles.

180 lb sounds like typical uprated springs and should be well up to the job in this case,

ok so youve now got 2 MS map sensors running from the same point, that will be interesting to see the result.

also possibly worth a try is to pull the Map feed to the MS while the engines idling to see if it changes the noise, might need to frig it with a syringe to get it to run though, basicaly to see if its electrical noise or not.

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?


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graham have you added that .34 psi boost offset to the innovate ? that would bring it closer to the post ic .

re springs , they are only that poundage if installed at the right height ?

if you graph the 4 psi run ,then lay the 100% run on top , but instead of having it as it is , take the 100% run highest boost point ,work out the percentage increase over the 4 psi run at that point ,and then add that percentage to the rest of the 4 psi run, it will give a truer figure to represent the 100% run at the max boost it hit ,so removing the effect of the boost dropping .see what you get .

did you find the map signal window filter i mentioned ? i think it was set at 10 degree , try it at maximum, i guess 360 degree ?

the waste gate arm should be smooth and disconnected from the cannister flop back and forward easily , with the cannister on it should snap back to a firm stop ,as the round disc hits the housing .

robert. *smiley*

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..

Paul S

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You mentioned boost controller ^^, plus you said that you were taking all signals off the same tapping.

If you boost controller works by dumping boost, then it will be flowing and if the line is small, then it will affect the readings to the ECU and Innovate.

Your MAP reading looks OK until the boost controller comes in.

What inlet manifold and cam are you using? I still think that things are not working in harmony.You've changed the inlet and turbo manifolds since the SRE runs and it's hit VE at the top end.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Rod S

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Re. your comment (much earlier in the thread) about MAP,
"I’ve not connected the Laptop to the ECU, but it looks like that option is only available for the later versions of the MS2 firmware.
If you load up the MS2 –Extra-Example project there are a lot more high speed logger channels available than I have, MAP being one of them. The firmware version reported for the example project is comms330N2. If I change to my serial310 ini, then those options are gone."
and now,
"The MAP Averaging factor is set to 50, which I think is default"
I've seen something else missing in our earlier (modified) version of the firmware. The ability to actually choose the MAP strategy. It seems later versions allow the selection of a time based window or an average. We seem to be limited to a time based window and the default setting is NOT the same as the newer code versions. I'm not sure how much difference it makes to the fueling in an injection setup (as VE tables are based on the MAP as read so it's absolute value shouldn't matter too much just so long as it follows the correct profile) but I'm now even more certain that it is the explanation for the difference between your's and Robert's reading for just data-logging on a carb. But hooking the manifold up to one of the IOx sensors should confirm. Paul's point is interesting though, I can't remember where you had the various tappings on this manifold but the MAP line should be completely seperate from anything else. Where it is actually positioned might also have an effect with the current (MS2) sampling window, esp. as you have a relatively small plenum equivilant.
Not much else I can think of at the moment.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???

Graham T

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On 1st Jan, 2018 Rod S said:

I've seen something else missing in our earlier (modified) version of the firmware. The ability to actually choose the MAP strategy. It seems later versions allow the selection of a time based window or an average. We seem to be limited to a time based window and the default setting is NOT the same as the newer code versions.

On 31st Dec, 2017 robert said:

did you find the map signal window filter i mentioned ? i think it was set at 10 degree , try it at maximum, i guess 360 degree ?

Yes, there are a few options missing from the earlier code we are using. From what I read, most of those new options were back ported from the MS3 code.

Apparently they also changed the MAP sample angle to 40 Deg in some releases and 45 Deg in others. Basically to do with the compatibility with 8 cylinder engines.

I think for the 4 cylinder engine they recommend 90 Deg sample angle and 10 Deg window with only 1 sample event per firing event as a base point. From there the MAP sample angle should be set to a point just before the inlet valve closes.
I have to re-read the MS2 forums threads that I found to completely understand.

What I do find slightly confusing is what this MAP sample angle actually does, or how…
If you turn the ignition on to power everything up, but do not actually start up, you can still take a data log of MAP signal, with any changes in pressure that you put into the MAP, so is the sampling angle only actually for the ECU to pick 1 data set per ignition event to set any parameters that are MAP dependent?

That would mean that regardless of what you change those setting to you will still see the same signal in the dash and in the logs, so it is just possibly a difference on which part the MS2 actually uses it for computation rather than what we see??

Regardless, I will have a play with the settings on a running engine and get some results of so description.

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Siamese 5 port EFI testing

Graham T

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On 31st Dec, 2017 Paul S said:
You mentioned boost controller ^^, plus you said that you were taking all signals off the same tapping.

If you boost controller works by dumping boost, then it will be flowing and if the line is small, then it will affect the readings to the ECU and Innovate.

Your MAP reading looks OK until the boost controller comes in.

What inlet manifold and cam are you using? I still think that things are not working in harmony.You've changed the inlet and turbo manifolds since the SRE runs and it's hit VE at the top end.

Actually I had this slightly wrong earlier in the post.

On 27th Dec, 2017 Graham T said:

I have two pressure tapings in the manifold:
one is actually what would normally be the brake servo take off, this was going to the ECU
The other is about 30mm off centre towards No4 cylinder, this is the signal for the Dump Valve and also where the Innovate was getting its signal.

I’m not exactly sure now at what point we changed it during the session, I think after the 8PSI run, but we blocked off the centre tapping and Tee’d the ECU and Dump valve/Innovate off of the same tapping to eliminate any potential differences that there might have been.

The MS2 and innovate signal came from the tapping 30mm off centre, then the DV signal was moved to the center (brake servo) tapping.
The Boost controller/ actuator signal was in the turbo compressor housing tapping.

The inlet manifold is a standard Metro Turbo Manifold, with a HIF44 N/A carb and a standard Metro Turbo Plenum on the back.
The only modifications were welding the Plenum poppet valve hole closed and changing the angle of the gonzo nose to meet my existing pipe work.
Cam is an SW5-07b.

On 31st Dec, 2017 robert said:

graham have you added that .34 psi boost offset to the innovate ? that would bring it closer to the post ic .

Ugh – no, at least I think not. I will check it all and redo where necessary.

On 31st Dec, 2017 robert said:

re springs , they are only that poundage if installed at the right height ?

Ooh, cannot answer that one – I never installed them (as he now starts frantically searching for what and how to check)

On 31st Dec, 2017 robert said:

if you graph the 4 psi run ,then lay the 100% run on top , but instead of having it as it is , take the 100% run highest boost point ,work out the percentage increase over the 4 psi run at that point ,and then add that percentage to the rest of the 4 psi run, it will give a truer figure to represent the 100% run at the max boost it hit ,so removing the effect of the boost dropping .see what you get .

I will work on that, should be interesting.

On 31st Dec, 2017 robert said:

the waste gate arm should be smooth and disconnected from the cannister flop back and forward easily , with the cannister on it should snap back to a firm stop ,as the round disc hits the housing .

Yes, the Wastegate arm is all good, free and smooth.
The only issue I had was having to grind a little of the Turbine housing out where the downpipe fits, because with the turbine housing essentially upside down to how it would normally be mounted, the wastegate arm drops a little in its bushing and the actual disc was binding with the casting.
It’s the actual actuators which seem to “pop” when they initially open, once they have cracked open they then operate smoothly, that is the same for the forge motorsport and the other 2 “OEM” actuators I have. This was tested off the car, with my trusty syringe.

’77 Clubman build thread

Siamese 5 port EFI testing

Graham T

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On 31st Dec, 2017 Joe C said:

also possibly worth a try is to pull the Map feed to the MS while the engines idling to see if it changes the noise, might need to frig it with a syringe to get it to run though, basicaly to see if its electrical noise or not.

I will add this to the tests to carry out.
At the moment I have the rad off and rocker cover removed – I’ve been measuring the lift on the CAM.

’77 Clubman build thread

Siamese 5 port EFI testing

Paul S

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Having had a bit more time to look at your data, a few general observations:

Torque at 6k is more or less the same as on the EFI on higher boost. Suspect that the remote manifold is working.

Torque at 4-5k is greatly improved. What I initially saw as a fall in VE at high revs is more apparent due to an increase in mid range torque.

SW5 cam is not a good choice for a turbo. Low LSA and not enough exhaust duration.

Short runners of the MG Metro inlet not making best use of the pulses generated by the LCB style turbo manifold. MPi inlet is better but 300mm runners would make a huge difference. Might even offset the negative of the SW5.

Edited by Paul S on 2nd Jan, 2018.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Joe C

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Carlos Fandango

Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

I'd love to see one of these tried.

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?

Graham T

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Here are all the Carb run torque figures for comparison, I've also added the SRE Dyno run, though it’s not such a good comparison because I had much more boost lower down at that point.

And here are the Power figures:

And just to illustrate the point about having lost low down boost, here is a comparison of MAP from all 3 Dyno days.

I have used the MS2 MAP data rather than the Innovate, purely as a direct comparison to the SRE data.
You can see the Purple trace which was the first run with EFI and the remote Turbo manifold back in August 2017.

The next run was the pink trace, boost started building much later.
Boost is very late building with the Carb runs.
I will point out however, for the Carb Dyno session I had a new turbo, so I guess the difference in MAP could be down to the new turbo being an inexpensive Ebay special, rather than the original being a genuine Garrett GT 1752.
Or it could be the fact that I moved the Wastegate actuator to a different mounting position on this new turbo in I have not got it set up correctly.

’77 Clubman build thread

Siamese 5 port EFI testing

Paul S

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A good comparison would be the VE curve you did ^^^. It will factor MAP out of the equation.

Certainly is a problem with boost building and the finger must point to the new turbo.

Edited by Paul S on 3rd Jan, 2018.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Rod S

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IIRC, "day 1" was on injection but with the standard MPI manifold, limited to low boost as it didn't have the staged injection bosses added.

If so, what changed between the 5.6 and 7.1PSI run ?? (I think I only saw the first run).
Apart from the RPM offset on the second, the rate of rise of MAP is pretty identical to the SRE data.

Was it the "new" turbo on "day 1" ???
For some reason I have it in my mind you didn't change it until much later when you were fitting the carb sometime later in preparation for "day 2".

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???

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