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Home > 998cc > diy budget 998 turbo head pictures


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Member #: 54
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nr coventry

garrett3 fair play for having a proper go at it! & as you say, having a bash on stock components is the way to go

inside the ports to start off with just remove the cast finish & smooth it out without taking away much material! at least then your not going into the the water jacket etc

your making me jealous with all my engine probs at the moment *surprised*/

you say your using diesel engine oil, it looks like brandy to me! maybe the bravery/celebration shot for when you finish the thread :o)

i have a stock a+998 head kicking around so i'm gonna do much the same as you, stock valves etc & if i dont bugger it up & it turns out half decent i'll get unleaded valve seats fitted & try the bugger out!

fair play bud! cant knock ya at all! give the new guy kal a PM about a flexy thing you need for pporting he may have one for a price you can afford!


the Search-section on this forum is blummin superb & simple to use, unlike some other forums, without the search-section & the help of this bunch of chaps on here i'll never be able to !!!Start the day with a 998cc turbo!!! :) i'm getting closer though!

Tom Fenton says: I have it all, make me an offer


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1137 Posts
Member #: 1450
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Near Paris - France

A little too late then but what I was saying before was :
if you retain standart valve maybe a better setup would be a CR a little higher than usual and lower boost.

But it is just guessing.

And is also too late ...

Very good work you did on that, hope you're satisfied with the figures when you fit it

Rusty by nature

On 23rd Jun, 2008 paul wiginton said:

They said "That sounds rough mate." I said "Cheers it cost me a fortune to make it sound like that!"


104 Posts
Member #: 7904
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Nelson mandela tower,Peckham, Norfolk

Thanks for the positive replies.

I have been having a go today with a cheap dremel type tools from argos that came with an extension.
Whole kit on sale for £20... Cant be bad lol

The grinding bits lasted seconds lol but it does work with proper bits so thats ok.

I have removed the rougness and taken the flat edge off where the valve guide comes through to make it nice and smotth up into the chanber.
then I have re profiled the valve guide ends to look more like the shape you get on the brass ends. kind of pointed?

My camera has dinosaur footpints on it so I cant get a good shot of this, but its much the same as what Graham Bichard has done here:

I dont expect miracles from this head but I will update you as the engine gets put together.

Thanks again


104 Posts
Member #: 7904
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Nelson mandela tower,Peckham, Norfolk

On 23rd Jan, 2010 clubminiflip said:

your making me jealous with all my engine probs at the moment *surprised*/

you say your using diesel engine oil, it looks like brandy to me! maybe the bravery/celebration shot for when you finish the thread :o)

i have a stock a+998 head kicking around so i'm gonna do much the same as you, stock valves etc & if i dont bugger it up & it turns out half decent i'll get unleaded valve seats fitted & try the bugger out!

I have read your thread about the problems but unfortunately I cannot offer any advice but I do wish you all the best with getting it sorted out.

Good luck with the head work mate, its gotta be better than chucking the old things out hasnt it :)

Mine had the unleaded seats in already but will need new guides... best save up some pennies for the machine shop


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9258 Posts
Member #: 123
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Betwix Harrogate and York

What casting is this head?

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


104 Posts
Member #: 7904
Advanced Member

Nelson mandela tower,Peckham, Norfolk

Its of a standard 1990 mini 998cc

CAM 4810 and 11AO in the middle.

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