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Home > A-Series EFI / Injection > Show of Hands, How Many People Actualy Want Siamese Injection Code

bill shurvinton

62 Posts
Member #: 1515
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Well a phone call on friday spurred me into action :) There is so much going on with MS at the moment it is hard for me to know where to focus.


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Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

Ok mate ...... there is so much happening on the MSEFI forum that I have no idea what the MegaSquirt can do anymore ... if anybody asks me if it can do something I just reply "probably, go search!".

Looking forward to having my first MS2.

When we were chatting I mentioned boost control and we tocuhed on there being no proto area on the V3.57 board. Do I recall correctly that the solution is a separate daughter board under the MS main board?
If so how will it all fit together with the uprated MAP sensor / bar sensor board and peak/hold board I'm probably going to end up with? Is there space in your case or do I need to start building a trailer to tow the management system around with?


Every day is a school day ...........

How fast and how expensive ...... the same question...

On 27th of Sep, 2007 at 12:45pm Jimster said:

why do you you think I got a girlfriend with small hands?

bill shurvinton

62 Posts
Member #: 1515
Advanced Member

There is more than one way to do it depending on the set of options

Is a nice solution if you just want a couple of power devices. now if you are using Jeans P&H board there will be space on the main board to put the boost transistor so all is happy.

The extra DB has all sorts of additional bits on that you probably don't need.

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