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Home > Show Us Yours! > 998 High Boost Head - Update

Paul S

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Formerly Axel


On 25th of Feb, 2007 at 06:57pm robert said:
oooh ah knowww (frankie howerd voice )
still ...i like the exp test pilot role .!

The fact that you have collected three of them tells its own story!

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nice bit of ''anti reversion'' there peter same principals my power curve is based on .

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..

Rob H

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Member #: 700
Formerly British Open Classic

The West Country

On 13th of May, 2007 at 06:59pm mini1071s said:

^^^^Closest I could find.
I thought I'd post a few pics of my (imaginary, lol!) head as well on the thread if Axel doesn't mind. Nice weather over here now, 23 degrees in the shade, cold beer, to the wilds tomorrow afternoon. Lovely.

My chamber keeps the beak but has lovely big valves.

Centre port treatment

Inlet port with turbo gasket on so you can compare with yours if you have one around

R/H ex port again with gasket for size

And all the ports with turbo gasket for scale

Chamber again but with 998 gasket so you can see the extent of the deshrouding.

The header with gasket again...

The header from the first buildup on the head. You can see the lamba and EGT bungs I used for dyno testing. Don't copy the lamba positioning, they do funny things with that sort of heat. I intended to use them to swing injector timing and see how it affected the individual cylinders compared to the centres. I also used them in developing the scatter cam.

That is the best ever flowing 998 head I've ever cut and is based on vizards book plus some new work he put out along with my take on what happens in turbo small bores.

One interesting point is that turbo small bore engines HATE rimflow exhaust valves. Just thought I'd add that to save anyone the grief:)

Doing some background reading and thought this post might be worth saving.

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