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Home > Show Us Yours! > Ex mini se7en track car


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Plugs out I suppose we best have a spin get some oil pressure

Edited by oli79 on 30th Aug, 2015.

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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5417 Posts
Member #: 6181
Double hard bastard

brookwood woking

Looking smart!!! love it

I have started posting on Instagram also my name on there is turbomk1golf

Nothing is impossible it just costs more and takes longer.

On 1st Nov, 2007 Ben H said:
There is no such thing as 'insignificant weight saving', it all adds up.


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6748 Posts
Member #: 828
Post Whore


excellent look oli

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..


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4890 Posts
Member #: 1775
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Looks very smart

I run a supercharger and I don't care the TB is on the wrong side.
VEMS + 12 PSI + Liquid Intercooler = Small Bore FUN!

Rob Gavin

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looks low on fuel

Rob H

4314 Posts
Member #: 700
Formerly British Open Classic

The West Country

Looks good, might be the camera angle but is there space to get the air hoses past the rad?

Edited by Rob H on 31st Aug, 2015.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel said:
Nothing is impossible if you are an Engineer


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Skip back to page 3 sausage☺

On 31st Aug, 2015 Rob H said:
Looks good, might be the camera angle but is there space to get the air hoses past the rad?

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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55 Posts
Member #: 8837
Advanced Member


Awesome build - watching this with interest. I contemplated the TU route, I think it is a great idea. VTR box will be nice ratios on 10s, basically makes it the same standard saxo VTS gearing on OEM 15"s. Or use the VTS box and this makes it the same gearing as the 106 1.3 Rallye which gives you about ~120ish mph @7250 in top - but you probably know this already!

1976 Mini 1000 FWD R1 - 13.2@104
1975 Mini 850
INSTAGRAM @duds100


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2975 Posts
Member #: 10749
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lowestoft suffolk

There was a guy at retro rides at pod the other month in a citroen AX.. he was doin crazy passes at 12/13 seconds iirc when i went had a nose afterwards it was just a vts lump with vtr head? Preferred it i think he said? All standard internals n car was stripped out. I was impressed

Edited by D4VE on 1st Sep, 2015.

On 24th Oct, 2015 jonny f said:
Nothing gets past Dave lol


1/4 mile 14.7 @ 96mph 12psi boost
Showdown class A 2nd place 18.6 @ 69mph


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

thanks re the trans it depends, the earlier cars use the j4 engine and the ma boxes are cable clutch and manual rod linkage

Mines a later c4 engine also c2/c3 a jp4 engine which is slightly different, the ma boxes on these are hydraulic clutch and cable shift.

There are dozens of final drive ratios and gearsets to go from mild to wild-mines at the total wrong end of the spectrum as its a c4 box for 16 inch wheels, 1.1 and 1.4 final drives will give somewhere around saxo ratios depending on the gear set and there are a couple of diesel ratios and gearsets which take it miles the other way, I will probably put a diesel diff in with my gearset to bring it back a bit if I get that far

On 1st Sep, 2015 duds100 said:
Awesome build - watching this with interest. I contemplated the TU route, I think it is a great idea. VTR box will be nice ratios on 10s, basically makes it the same standard saxo VTS gearing on OEM 15"s. Or use the VTS box and this makes it the same gearing as the 106 1.3 Rallye which gives you about ~120ish mph @7250 in top - but you probably know this already!

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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5417 Posts
Member #: 6181
Double hard bastard

brookwood woking

On 1st Sep, 2015 oli79 said:
mines at the total wrong end of the spectrum as its a 2CV 4 box for 16 inch wheels and i will most likely hit a pot hole and end up on teeee roof


I have started posting on Instagram also my name on there is turbomk1golf

Nothing is impossible it just costs more and takes longer.

On 1st Nov, 2007 Ben H said:
There is no such thing as 'insignificant weight saving', it all adds up.


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Well the ax was only ever a 1.4 8v using the Tu3 engine

Assuming its had a transplant its the same 1.6 bottom end on the vtr/vts but I believe the pistons are in the vts are better

I can only assume they use the 8v head on the 16v block either because the 16v head wont fit under the bonnet or they don't want to have to change manifolds and shit?

Theres loads of guides on converting the jP4 to fit the j4 cars but its a weaker engine overall apparently and it lacks 10-15hp as standard, however j4 engines that aren't thrashed to fuck are thin on the ground, my rotary muffler will hopefully make up the power shortage.

I cant help but think the 1.6 8 valve tu5 engine out the later poverty model c4s ect would be great for a road mini/daily driver, loads of cheap low milers about and its nice and small in 8v

On 1st Sep, 2015 D4VE said:
There was a guy at retro rides at pod the other month in a citroen AX.. he was doin crazy passes at 12/13 seconds iirc when i went had a nose afterwards it was just a vts lump with vtr head? Preferred it i think he said? All standard internals n car was stripped out. I was impressed

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Nobe heade!

On 1st Sep, 2015 madmk1 said:

On 1st Sep, 2015 oli79 said:
mines at the total wrong end of the spectrum as its a 2CV 4 box for 16 inch wheels and i will most likely hit a pot hole and end up on teeee roof


On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!

Rob Gavin

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6729 Posts
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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Well, after much messing about trying to get ecu to talk to laptop-put an emerald base map in ecu set up the throttle pot and crank sensor and......

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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9258 Posts
Member #: 123
Post Whore

Betwix Harrogate and York

Great stuff. and only a hint of over fuelling.

Just in time for winter!

Fastest 998 mini in the world? 13.05 1/4 mile 106mph

On 2nd Jan, 2013 fastcarl said:

the design shows a distinct lack of imagination,
talk about starting off with a clean sheet of paper, then not bothering to fucking draw on it,lol

On 20th Apr, 2012 Paul S said:
I'm mainly concerned about swirl in the runners caused by the tangential entry.


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

It will be summer again before it moves lol

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


3004 Posts
Member #: 2500
Post Whore


Where was the thumb ?

Too busy coughing your lungs up maybe ?

Must be a great feeling to see it burst into life for the first time.


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Yes David, exactly that, i wasn't expecting it to fire tbh as i would have had it outside otherwise. so as soon as it caught i spied the oil pressure gauge shoot round and then got round the front asap so i could check for leaks ect and kind of forgot about making a video lol, then when i cut it off my eyes were stinging so much i couldnt even see my own thumb and was coughing my tits off as you observed.

Great feeling, try and get it finished off now

On 8th Sep, 2015 tadge44 said:
Where was the thumb ?

Too busy coughing your lungs up maybe ?

Must be a great feeling to see it burst into life for the first time.

Edited by oli79 on 8th Sep, 2015.

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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1648 Posts
Member #: 9038
Post Whore

Carlisle, Cumbria

Looks great oli! Is that fuses in the top of the dash panel, so you can see if they've blown?


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Well yes and no, I was just after somat cheap to make a dash but it needed to be up highish so I could reach it with the harness on-so a plastic project box off eBay it was. The fuses are on top, the relays are underneath, all switches gauges ect are together mainly to keep everything in one place to make wiring easier.

Edited by oli79 on 8th Sep, 2015.

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

I just sort of make it up as I go along really lol

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!


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6748 Posts
Member #: 828
Post Whore


excellent.. well done oli.

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..

Sir Yun

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510 Posts
Member #: 1592
Smart Guy!

mainland europe near ze germans


maybe of interest:

apparently they have a stock internals TU5J4 running 400+ bhp ! it just eats gearboxes.

That sir, is not rust, it is the progressive mass reduction system


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1713 Posts
Member #: 8480
MS Paint flat cap champion & Morris Ital Lover

From Sheffield now live in York tha noz

Interesting, I've already been warned of the ma chocolate gearbox situation.

On 10th Sep, 2015 Sir Yun said:

maybe of interest:

apparently they have a stock internals TU5J4 running 400+ bhp ! it just eats gearboxes.

On 18th Oct, 2013 apbellamy said:
I am feeling particularly BACish today.

On 5th Oct, 2014 Shauna said:
What that's crazy, you go commando hahaha! How heavy is your helmet *tongue*?

The Morris Ital assassin!

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