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Home > Non-Mini Discussion > Way OT - where'd you live?


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7265 Posts
Member #: 1268
The Boom Boom speaker Police!


If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the U.K. Where would it be, and why?

In the 13's at last!.. Just


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2975 Posts
Member #: 10749
Post Whore

lowestoft suffolk

Isle of wight- purely based on an awesome roadtrip there.. probably completely different if i lived there or went again.. and thats the reason i wont again im gonna keep it an awesome memory but thats the answer i give when people ask what you have...

On 24th Oct, 2015 jonny f said:
Nothing gets past Dave lol


1/4 mile 14.7 @ 96mph 12psi boost
Showdown class A 2nd place 18.6 @ 69mph


3004 Posts
Member #: 2500
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Back in North Cumberland


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1733 Posts
Member #: 1910
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Cornwall, love the coast!

On 15th Jul, 2009 fastcarl said:
the pissed up clown stood back up, did a twirl and left bollock naked,


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2406 Posts
Member #: 341
aka T2clubby

South Staffs

Jersey or Cornwall


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10022 Posts
Member #: 1456

Barnsley, South Flatcapshire

On 13th Feb, 2017 theoneeyedlizard said:
If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the U.K. Where would it be, and why?
Are the twins that much hard work Gary?

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing half of.


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7265 Posts
Member #: 1268
The Boom Boom speaker Police!



In the 13's at last!.. Just


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1648 Posts
Member #: 9038
Post Whore

Carlisle, Cumbria

Still in Cumbria just some where near one of the lakes and a bit more remote and quiet


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690 Posts
Member #: 1851
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Woolavington, Zummerzet

Back in Cheltenham or one of the surrounding villages.
Miss the rolling hills and the fact you are 2 hours from anywhere.

Metric is for people who can't do fractions.

Turbo Phil

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4629 Posts
Member #: 20
My sister is so fit I won't show anyone her picture

Lake District

Happy where I am now, though I must admit I do like Cornwall.



Rob Gavin

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6729 Posts
Member #: 618
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There are plenty of places I like. Suppose it depends on work, house prices, schools etc


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520 Posts
Member #: 189
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Goodwood Estate :)


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2975 Posts
Member #: 10749
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lowestoft suffolk

Sooo.. making a fresh start?

On 24th Oct, 2015 jonny f said:
Nothing gets past Dave lol


1/4 mile 14.7 @ 96mph 12psi boost
Showdown class A 2nd place 18.6 @ 69mph


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7265 Posts
Member #: 1268
The Boom Boom speaker Police!


Just looking at options. We've ended up with a fuckload of equity in our house and need extra space. Wouldn't be able to buy a larger house where we are as the prices are mental. Currently weighing up moving elsewhere vs loft extension.

In the 13's at last!.. Just


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16540 Posts
Member #: 4241
King Gaycharger, butt plug dealer, Sheldon Cooper and a BAC but generally a niceish fella if you dont mind a northerner

Rotherham, South Yorkshire

If you want better value property, then you need to move North. I guess the biggest consideration is family and your twins.

On 11th Feb, 2015 robert said:
i tried putting soap on it , and heating it to brown , then slathered my new lube on it



3590 Posts
Member #: 655
Post Whore

Northern Ireland

Where there is good access to jobs/work ?

I hear a lot saying about living near the coast....I'm sure your Mini wont thank you for that ! lol

9.85 @ 145mph
202mph standing mile
speed didn't kill me, but taxation probably will


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489 Posts
Member #: 9159
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Anywhere near the sea, can't imagine not living near the sea! Could never live in a city!


3590 Posts
Member #: 655
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Northern Ireland

On 18th Feb, 2017 jamestar said:
Anywhere near the sea, can't imagine not living near the sea! Could never live in a city!

Dont forget, when the sea rises the world will end !

9.85 @ 145mph
202mph standing mile
speed didn't kill me, but taxation probably will


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1750 Posts
Member #: 10190
Post Whore


Ill go anywhere in the uk if it has sea or country side... kerps amazing me how crouwded it is here if i come to the uk.

you can do anything if you set your mind to it...
i rather blow it up winning than keep it together losing.

finish date set for project 1... march 2018


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2975 Posts
Member #: 10749
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lowestoft suffolk

I live on the most easterly point of uk (where clarkson drove to beat the sunrise) and ive never really seen rotten cars just because were on the coast.. well maybe one! But he worked on the pier so it would see big waves and sit in puddles so aslong as that dont happen i think itll be ok

On 24th Oct, 2015 jonny f said:
Nothing gets past Dave lol


1/4 mile 14.7 @ 96mph 12psi boost
Showdown class A 2nd place 18.6 @ 69mph


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7265 Posts
Member #: 1268
The Boom Boom speaker Police!


Good access to jobs is a major pro for staying put. If all goes tits up where I'm currently working, I can get into London on the train in 30 mins.

In the 13's at last!.. Just

Rob Gavin

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6729 Posts
Member #: 618
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having a young family, our biggest requirement is good schools. We landed lucky where we are but house prices are high as a result.

we know friends that grew up in the country and have now moved back out to raise family as they want their kids to have the same freedom. Downside is the social side of things depending on where you are


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1648 Posts
Member #: 9038
Post Whore

Carlisle, Cumbria

On 19th Feb, 2017 Rob Gavin said:
having a young family, our biggest requirement is good schools. We landed lucky where we are but house prices are high as a result.

we know friends that grew up in the country and have now moved back out to raise family as they want their kids to have the same freedom. Downside is the social side of things depending on where you are

We havew recently moved (September) to Carlisle after living in Tebay. When I was leaving the forces we needed to find some where to live so joined the list for a council house. And we were graded against the criteria etc and came quite down the list. So the only place we could get was in Tebay, 35-40mins drive from my mrs family and friends. And we found ourselves spending more time there then we did and at home and was spending a fortune on petrol. Don't get me wrong it was a lovely nice quite place to live with stunning views. And the primary school would have been brilliant for the little one, but just not really practical for us.

In the end I had to give up my stubborness and move into a private rental. Higher rent price but better quality of life. We live in a little cul de sac with enough room for the 2 minis on the drive. 20 mins walk from the centre of town and regular bus route etc. Just a shame I(we) can't afford to buy any where.

Job wise, I found that things were few and far between. There is Sellafield but would be and hour each way for work, but luckily I landed myself soemthing 15-20mins from home. I was the first person they had taken on in 10 years. And as for security one guy has been here for 42 years.

Edited by hazpalmer on 19th Feb, 2017.

Paul R

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4018 Posts
Member #: 1757
Back to Fucking Tool status


Sad as it sounds Swindon/surrounding area, my family is mostly around the area and can get to most places easily.

-Ford S-max Mk2 Ecoboost
-Rover 100 VVC #2 - track project

Searching is all you need on TurboMinis


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7265 Posts
Member #: 1268
The Boom Boom speaker Police!


Schools are fantastic where we live.

Hmmmm. Think we have made up our minds. At the very least, the process of looking around means that we appreciate where we live and justify the extra cost.

In the 13's at last!.. Just

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