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Home > Show Us Yours! > K1100 turbo track car build


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Well, where to start, bit of history:

I've owned this car for the past 7 years, since I was 16 and it's been through two rebuilds in that time. It was the typical 56K mile 90's mini with a very tired gearbox that had been tarted up and left to rust underneath.

The first rebuild was a reasonably short affair with the bogo 998 stg1. Didn't delve too deeply into the bodywork and such but it was a reasonably solid car.

The second saw major bodywork to replace the multitude of sins that I hadn't uncovered in the first build and this resulted in no less than me replacing the full scuttle, wings, front panel, complete inner wings, full front floor pans, A panels, door skins, you name it. Painted in surf blue with a fresh build 1330 engine plonked in. All carried out under an ebay special wedding marquee in winter in the back garden!

Now it's time for build 3!

The intended engine/'box spec will be:

NA 1380
K1200rs head
Full works on the crank, wedged, bladed, etc
Worked rods
SC ex manifold - Can anyone suggest alternatives?
bmw throttle bodies
Swifty ATB
minispares sccr gearset
straight cut drops

The build started around November and first things first was to stick a beam up in the garage and get a block and tackle rigged up to get the engine out.

Since then I've been busy with numerous parts of the car but primarily the front end and dash area. I've replaced the bottom dash rail with a piece of 38mm cds tube and triangulated this to the bulkhead. This gave me a good solid base with which to fabricate a steering column mount from.
(The paving slab in the footwell was just to see what height i'm looking at for foot rests)

The plan is to turbo this engine at a later date and so to preempt that move I also fitted a bulkhead box today. I had some 1.2 sheet kicking about and I was quite chuffed with how well all the folds formed with me only have two pieces of angle iron in the vice to bend it with

It wasn't until i put the head on the block and had it in front of me that i realized quite how neatly it sits on there.

Oh and something further of note is the wheels arrived today! Paul R's set he had for sale on here. With a bonus chocolate freddo in the box that Carl Austin must have left in there when they sent them to him...

I'll take some more pics tomorrow and keep up to date with this from now on, I hope.

One question for all in the know. I was concerned upon dismantling the head that the cam bearing caps only have one locating dowel on the end bearings. While the rest have only the bolts to locate upon. There is no relief around the bolt hole to suggest it should be there. I assume this is the same with them all?



Edited by adcyork on 13th Nov, 2021.

Rob Gavin

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nice bit of fab work there.

I am tempted with the K head conversion....


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8215 Posts
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Somewhere around Swindon

looking good, you could make your own manifold but i doubt its worth it

Crystal Sound Audio said:

Why should have your name as Fuckfaceshithead !

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."-Douglas Adams


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On 29th Mar, 2013 wolfie said:
looking good, you could make your own manifold but i doubt its worth it

I'm not really in the game for making one. I don't have a tig welder for one. I'm sure I saw that sprocket had got a maniflow manifold?


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I keep been tempted to do a k head. Wot kit u gonna use?


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Looks like a great project

Edited by Billus89 on 29th Mar, 2013.


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On 29th Mar, 2013 adrian said:
I keep been tempted to do a k head. Wot kit u gonna use?

I've got the force racing kit ready to go on. It all looks lovely and the anodising on the parts seems top notch.

Edited by adcyork on 31st Mar, 2013.


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8215 Posts
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Somewhere around Swindon

Its worth doing a little more to that bulkhead box and chop off the right hand corner to allow more room around the actuator

Image of Toms car

Crystal Sound Audio said:

Why should have your name as Fuckfaceshithead !

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."-Douglas Adams

Paul R

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I belive he is running it in N/A form not turbo, plus with the khead you dont need a bhb, one like that would be perfect for an external wastegate and down pipe.

Btw wheel are looking good *smiley*

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iirc i think maniflow do list a k head manifold on there site

Joe C

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Carlos Fandango

Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

yep 249 quid for a steel one

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?

Joe C

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Carlos Fandango

Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

yep 249 quid for a steel one

On 28th Aug, 2011 Kean said:
At the risk of being sigged...

Joe, do you have a photo of your tool?


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Preston On The Brook

On 29th Mar, 2013 adcyork said:

On 29th Mar, 2013 wolfie said:
looking good, you could make your own manifold but i doubt its worth it

I'm not really in the game for making one. I don't have a tig welder for one. I'm sure I saw that sprocket had got a maniflow manifold?

Aye, Maniflow. I had them make one with the downpipes 3/8" shorter. whether it was or not I'll never know since I don't have another to compare lol. It's in Mild steel though, but at the very least it has everything in the right place and it's the right shape *wink*

On 26th Oct, 2004 TurboDave16v said:
Is it A-Series only? I think it should be...
So when some joey comes on here about how his 16v turbo vauxhall is great compared to ours, he can be given the 'bird'...

On 26th Oct, 2004 Tom Fenton said:
Yep I agree with TD........


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On 31st Mar, 2013 Paul R said:
I belive he is running it in N/A form not turbo, plus with the khead you dont need a bhb, one like that would be perfect for an external wastegate and down pipe.

Btw wheel are looking good *smiley*

I am running it NA yes, at first anyway.

I was aware that you could get away without a bhb with the k conversion but i thought it best to stick one in while i was there incase any complications with packaging arise later


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What made you go for the 3/8" shorter pipe? To get it up higher in the tunnel?

On 31st Mar, 2013 Sprocket said:

On 29th Mar, 2013 adcyork said:

On 29th Mar, 2013 wolfie said:
looking good, you could make your own manifold but i doubt its worth it

I'm not really in the game for making one. I don't have a tig welder for one. I'm sure I saw that sprocket had got a maniflow manifold?

Aye, Maniflow. I had them make one with the downpipes 3/8" shorter. whether it was or not I'll never know since I don't have another to compare lol. It's in Mild steel though, but at the very least it has everything in the right place and it's the right shape *wink*


4306 Posts
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I have looked at the mass market manifolds and they do seem to hang down low for very low road car. not an issue if your running sightly lowered but could be for a very low car.

I was going to make a manifold if staying Na, but have to anyway as I have decided to turbo.

On 7th Oct, 2010 5haneJ said:
yeah I gave it all a good prodding


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Progress is slow with doing overtime at work, frustrating!

I did get round to cutting the boot floor out in the rough form needed for the 'glass boot floor so i could try it up though. Mandatory thumbs up


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Bit more progress this eve.

Managed to get the 'glass boot floor in after some tidying and repair work to the remaining boot floor.

Just needs bolting and bonding now

Also began tubbing the rear arches. My next question though, how do you remove the sound deadening material from the inner side of the rear quarter? Is it a case of softening it with a heat gun and scraping?

Edited by adcyork on 18th Apr, 2013.


1394 Posts
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keep up the good work.


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aka T2clubby

South Staffs

Heat gun and scraper does the job


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Well, the ATB turned up yesterday, thanks again to John, top job!

I also went to pick my ali verto flywheel up from A&R precision. They seem a very decent couple of blokes down there, both ex Farndon Engineering apprentices. After discussion with Darren I spotted a familiar looking batch of conrods on the racking. It seems they manufacture mini speeds conrods for them. And I believe Swiftune are looking to resource to them. They do all of their own machining and shot peening in house with the heat treatment carried out locally by a firm on the same industrial estate. They're very reasonably priced too at £85 a rod.

The machining on the flywheel looks top notch


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It's been a while...

Since I last posted progress has been slow to say the least. A house move has given me a nice new cave to play in with much more useful space and no damp problems unlike the last place. Some new toys found their way in to the new place in the form of a machine mart special pillar drill and a Boxford CUD lathe. (I wish there was a nice looking alternative to that horrible looking halogen work light which was just as cheap)

So on with the shell; I decided that the toe board wasn't in good enough shape due to some previously repaired accident damage and needed replacing and so that was next on the agenda. So I did the decent thing to get at it all easier and make a spit:

A new cross member was also seam welded in while I was there as it was messy and I'd made a U turn on my opinion of the appearance of the speed holes drilled in the current item

Next job is turreting the rear arches. Quick question; the damper mount face stays in the same location in the Z axis when turreting doesn't it?

Also some progress with the head, all welded up and ready to be skimmed. I did happen to loose one of the spring seats though during disassembly, has anyone got a spare before I chase BMW for one? (2nd pic for reference)

There has also been a change of plan and this will now be turbo'd. So I picked myself up a standard ebay GT1752 turbo to find it had more radial play than the sellers description stated which I believe is standard these days... The compressor and turbines are both clean though so a rebuild is due and all is not lost.

Revised engine spec:

K1200rs head
Full works on the crank, wedged, bladed, etc
Worked rods
Single throttle body (size to be determined)
Swifty ATB
Minispares sccr gearset
Straight cut drops
Bespoke ducted side mounted intercooler in side mounted rad position

I'm currently a little stuck on which piston to use. I wanted to keep to an offset bored +0.060" so that I at least have the option to go to 73.5mm should necessity force it.

Looking at these: Does anyone know how much extra dish you can machine out of these?

Edited by adcyork on 19th Aug, 2014.


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looking good! all looks very familiar *smiley*. i've been racing in mod prod for last 2 years with a broadly similar setup

Did you do the alloy welding or get it done professionally? How much did it cost?


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Suffolk / Birmingham

Do motorworks not have any spring seats?


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On 19th Aug, 2014 nky_84 said:
looking good! all looks very familiar *smiley*. i've been racing in mod prod for last 2 years with a broadly similar setup

Did you do the alloy welding or get it done professionally? How much did it cost?

Sounds good, what running gear set up are you running in that class?

I don't have an AC tig set so I got a mate to do it at M-sport on his dinner because he was able to preheat it aswell. £30. It seems that there are plenty of places that will do it for only slightly more though.

Slater - motorworks is the same price as new from bmw and I need to buy my new followers from them anyway. I do need to tap them up about a set of LT cams soon though.

Edited by adcyork on 19th Aug, 2014.

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