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Home > Paul S trials and testing > Siamese Code Trial - Take Six - P

Paul S

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Latest trial data.

Code Version 3.0.3e
21 Deg C, 75% Humidity

Total of four 485cc/min MPi injectors, two per port.

The pulse width was too low for the dual pulse mode, so this is running the hybrid single pulse from 500rpm upwards, ie. all the time.

Running something like 190 degrees advance at the top end. It needs a bit more tuning, but the attached was achieved after about half an hour on the test track.

Its now running better than ever.

No point in refining this much more as the turbo is now going on and the fine settings would need changing again.

Thanks Jean for all you hard work and the support of other TM members.

Yours relieved........


Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Rod S

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Very good ....

Assuming it's through the gears and the last half is WOT in 4th, they match perfectly once at full power, flat out.

Still a small deviation accelerating in 2nd, 3rd.... Any thoughts as to why ???

As for the humidity.... I'm welding my dual turbo wideband up in the garage at the moment (just came in for a break) and it's so humid, flys keep coming in and landing on my sweaty arms when I'm welding... Ughhhhh. It must be the UV light that attracts them, just like commercial fly killers.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???

Paul S

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The small deviations in 2nd and 3rd are where we need to do the fine tuning.

We were changing the advance 10 degrees at a time. We could get it closer with a bit more time.

However, the resolution of the injection timing tables, being 6*6, limits what you can do to some extent. You can get it spot on at the rpm corresponding to the bins, but it will stray in between. Not by much though.

Very humid here today. Too much for working on cars.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


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Northern Ireland (ex AUS)

On 27th Jun, 2009 Paul S said:

Its now running better than ever.

It's this sort of comment that gets me excited. Again I can't wait to see how well it runs over an SU.

On 7th Nov, 2008 Nic said:
!!!!!!sdrawkcab si gnihtyreve ?droabyekym ot deneppah sah tahw ayhwdd

Paul S

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On 27th Jun, 2009 Jay#2 said:
Again I can't wait to see how well it runs over an SU.

I did about 30 miles in the wife's Mini 35 yesterday, so can make a valid comparison.

It is just that much more refined. You can feel the engine working much more precisely. Low down torque is great as well as the ability to rev without a loopy cam.

I believe that this system is now better than any carburetor. For NA use you just need to be able to build the manifold or you could use Jenvey TBs on an SU manifold.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


1267 Posts
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Montreal, Canada

It's great to see how close you got in 4th. And going to the single pulse at 500RPM means you don't have to worry about the transition.

About the 6x6 table, have you tried moving the rpm/load bins around? That might help match better what the engine wants.

In any case, I look forward to see how it goes with the turbo.


Edited by jbelanger on 27th Jun, 2009.

Paul S

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Someone has moved this post to a new section.

I thought it had been deleted for a moment.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


1267 Posts
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Montreal, Canada

Was it really necessary to split things up like that? I think it scatters the information around. Different posts in the same forum seemed better.


Rod S

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It threw me for a minute......

I think I agree with Jean, Paul and I (with Jean's superb code) are trying to achieve the same and we are obviously all sharing information.

Unless it was an subtle attempt to make me get my finger out (so to speak) as my post count is now very small - but I only came inside because I just ran out of argon.... so another delay :$:$:$

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???

Paul S

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Whoever did it obviously thought they were being helpfull and with good intentions.

But I would prefer everything in the same section as it is all working towards a common goal.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Paul S

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The significant result from this run is that changing one of the injectors (per port) from 375cc/min pencil stream to 485 cc/min 30 degree cone resulted in 55 degrees more advance at 5000 rpm to get equal AFRs.

When i was running the pencil stream injectors alone, I needed 140 degrees less advance than I have now.

To summarise:

375cc pencil - 45 degrees advance
485cc cone + 375cc pencil - 135 degrees advance
2 * 485cc cone - 190 degrees advance

This is all on mid-pulse timing at 5000rpm and a single pulse.

Obviously injector choice has a significant influence on the injection timing.

Its as though the 30 degree cone injectors spray the fuel on the port wall, then it gets sucked into the engine.

Edited by Paul S on 27th Jun, 2009.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Rod S

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Yes, but I also believe (from my very limited tesing so far) that the position of the injectors relative to the port, will also have a major effect.

I have yet to prove it (need to get finger out, etc...) but I do think the inlet/runner design is quite important in this respect.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???

Paul S

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Too many variables :(

The other strange thing is that with the cone injectors, the advance increases with increasing rpm, whereas with the pencil injectors the advance decreases with increasing rpm.

Very difficult to make the science fit the results and makes a mockery of my timing calcs.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


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Hi All, I'm in Perth Western Australia and I have been reading through all of the Siamese code threads over the last 2 days.

The work that has been done here is inspiring, very impressed.

I think I'm going to give it ago.

I currently have a 3 minis, "Red Sedan" "White Van" and a "Blue Ute"

The Ute, (Australian for Pickup) is 1275NA Auto Spi with injected LPG on a UMS (The german ripoff of the MS I). I'm building up a MegaSquirt II now and I have the 36-1 wheel and Siemens Hall Sensor Dizzy plus Ford pack already. I have a friend who will give me an MPi manifold.

Currently running 1 Innovate Wideband, can buy another.

I'm very interested in how the LPG injectors are going to react, probably best I walk before I run!!

There was a post, which I now can't find which had the beginnings of a how too manual?

Has there been any progress on this, I would be very keen to contribute as I progress if possible ?

If there is one thing I could comment on, you guy's have obviously been into to this for a good many years. The biggest curve for me has been understanding injector staging and couple of the other terms.

I think it would be advantages to get a standard/basic MPi NA build for the MSII as a starting point. It would make an easier path for people interested in going on this journey.

The more systems built the better it is going to get.

I wish I were in the UK and could get a stock MPi from the scrapage scheme to convert.

Very well done everyone, really really impressed.


Paul S

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Wellcome on board. The more people try this out the better.

Not sure how LPG will work but someone has to try it.

The build manual is still in early draft and has not ben issued yet. With winter approaching in the UK it could soon get done.

I'm afraid any Minis that were traded in under the scrappage scheme would have been crushed, so no more MPi manifolds about than usual.

Graham T has had very good results using an MPi inlet. We are planning another build on a 1380 NA using all off the shelf parts and minimal fabrication.

Best start a new thread with your build.

Edited by Paul S on 8th Sep, 2010.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


520 Posts
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Grenoble, France

I'm using MPI intake on my 998, works fine.
Paul, what means your injector advance ? Advance on what ?
Since I switched to modern and bigger 4 hole injectors the engine works better.

std 998 A+, g295, MD266, RHF4, 109hp @0.8bar/5400rpm

Paul S

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On 8th Sep, 2010 alpa said:
Paul, what means your injector advance ? Advance on what ?

Basically the Siamese code fires the injectors at a specific point in the engine cycle to ensure that the fuel gets through the open inlet valve. That's the only way to get the right amount of fuel into the outer cylinders.

I call it advance because it is in degrees before TDC and it advances with rpm, but it is essentially just injection timing set by a map in the ECU.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

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looks really good, I'm looking forward to having a play with this myself. Hopefully by jan I should have my dyno up and running.

Team Racing

On 15th May, 2009 TurboDave said:

I think the welsh one has it right!

1st to provide running proof
of turbo twinkie in a car and first to
run a 1/4 in one!!

Is your data backed up?? one extra month free for all Turbo minis members, PM me for detials


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hmm, Jim i know you work in IT for a bank, have you figured out how to siphon off money?


520 Posts
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Grenoble, France

On 8th Sep, 2010 Paul S said:

Basically the Siamese code fires the injectors at a specific point in the engine cycle to ensure that the fuel gets through the open inlet valve. That's the only way to get the right amount of fuel into the outer cylinders.

I call it advance because it is in degrees before TDC and it advances with rpm, but it is essentially just injection timing set by a map in the ECU.

So for example with an advance of 190 degrees what's the pulse width do you need ?

std 998 A+, g295, MD266, RHF4, 109hp @0.8bar/5400rpm

Paul S

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Formerly Axel


On 9th Sep, 2010 alpa said:

So for example with an advance of 190 degrees what's the pulse width do you need ?

Pulse width has nothing to do with the advance. Pulse width depends on the fuel demand and size of injector..... but you know that.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


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On 9th Sep, 2010 Paul S said:

On 9th Sep, 2010 alpa said:

So for example with an advance of 190 degrees what's the pulse width do you need ?

Pulse width has nothing to do with the advance. Pulse width depends on the fuel demand and size of injector.....

and the fuel pressure.

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..


1267 Posts
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Montreal, Canada

On 9th Sep, 2010 robert said:

On 9th Sep, 2010 Paul S said:

On 9th Sep, 2010 alpa said:

So for example with an advance of 190 degrees what's the pulse width do you need ?

Pulse width has nothing to do with the advance. Pulse width depends on the fuel demand and size of injector.....

and the fuel pressure.

It could be argued that the size of the injector includes the fuel pressure.



520 Posts
Member #: 2093
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Grenoble, France

On 9th Sep, 2010 Paul S said:

On 9th Sep, 2010 alpa said:

So for example with an advance of 190 degrees what's the pulse width do you need ?

Pulse width has nothing to do with the advance. Pulse width depends on the fuel demand and size of injector..... but you know that.

I don't understand.
I thought you had one pulse sitting in the middle of two inner-outer cylinders. So you would advance the pulse with increasing width of the pulse to get fuel in both cylinders of the pair. I just wonder what's the minimal advance you need to put fuel in a particular cylinder. I need 120 degrees of advance before TDC at 6000 rpm to get fuel in the second cyl (the outer).

Edited by alpa on 10th Sep, 2010.

std 998 A+, g295, MD266, RHF4, 109hp @0.8bar/5400rpm


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i think alpa ,the whole pulse moves back and forwards in relation to crank positoin , ,whilst keeping the duration of the pulse at watever gives the correct mixture .

Medusa + injection = too much torque for the dyno ..

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