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Home > 998cc > Helppp ??


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

What exactly do you need to convert a 998cc to a turbo ?

I know you will need,

Turbo (Im looking at a T2, would a T3 be too much for the engine and which one would give more all round power and performance?)

Manifold (Mirage)

What else would i need ?


Paul S

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Follow this thread:

You may also need to uprate the diff and clutch to handle the power.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


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a website built by turbo phil on here, and a guide by Wil_H

nearly all the basic questions are answered on there

Yes i moved to the darkside *happy*

Instagram @jdm_brett


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Paul S

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You should also know that you will not be able to insure it for road use until you are 19.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

I thought the V5 did not change with a turbo addition only if you are adding fuel injections or something ? I have checked on go compare on my brothers insurance with a 998 turbo mini ( he has only just gone 18) and it came to 2250 P.Y.

Paul S

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Doesn't matter what the V5 says.

You need to declare all mods to the insurer, otherwise you are not insured.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

I declared a turbo conversion and the insurance went up by around 150 pounds only.


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Member #: 5042

Paul S,

Just done a new quote i can insure a turbocharged mini at the age of 17 from HSBC for £1,878.72


Rod S

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Insurers will vary as to what (minimum) age they will allow certain declared modifications and, if they allow it, the premiums do go sky high.

At least you are looking at realistic (sky high) premiums for your future age, unlike some who come on here and say they will insure their turbo monster as a standard 998.

However, the only thing that surprises me is that if you aknowledge you will be paying nearly £2k for insurance, why are you looking to buy the starting shell for your project as a sub £300 rot box ???

Edited by Rod S on 26th Jan, 2009.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

I see what you are saying, the reason been i am tryin to sped as little as possible on the actual car as i can do many modifications and welding, bodywork and painting myself to limit costs also i am not going to be insuring this car until i am 18 years old were i am owed money from the courts due to a car accident which is in the region of 2000 pound which will start me off on my insurance i have timed this project to take around 2-3 years at a steady pace so the timing will work out just fine, Obviously at 14 years old i have not got a lot of money to put into a car at the moment gaining money slowly over the years unless i finally find a part time job!!

Paul S

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Fair enough. I only raised the insurance issue to make sure you knew what you were letting yourself in for.

I hope my 17 year lad does not see this because he will want me to turbo his.

Saul Bellow - "A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep."
Stephen Hawking - "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

I am fully aware thankyou,

My father says im glad your doing it rather than waiting for my 18th birthday buying a car and not knowing what has been done to it. This way i will know it will be reliable,
Swings, roundabouts and slides i suppose.

Rod S

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In which case I would say good luck... You have a few years to achieve what you seem to want.

I would add two things,

1 - Don't post multiple threads all over the place (on basically the same subject) as it makes it hard for people to follow and answer. At the very worst the Fentonator will have you for it !!!

2 - Start on your shell first and remember it will take a lot more than welding up a rot box to make a safe turbo Mini, you will need to budget for decent brakes, suspension and lots of other things before you worry about the engine specification.

So either use the dreaded search button or just start following all the daily threads on here that will have either already covered, or will cover, the questions you want to ask over the next 3-4 years.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

I have already looked into gas shocks and a rear disk brake conversion plus a swing arm upgrade, also a new sports stage 1 clutch, new dizzy,new head,maybe new pistons,new fuel pump,new oil pump,New subframes (maybe custom).

I am new to this site so did not know that.

Thankyou for your support.


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If you are on a limited budget, rear discs should be the last thing on your shopping list!

You really need to get reading.

In the 13's at last!.. Just


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

I am on a limited budget at the moment i have planned 2-3 years as iv already said once in that time anything could happen and i could finally find a part time job plus theres birthdays and christmasses,

YOU really need to get reading



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Sorry if that last comment came across as arsey, but it really was meant in a constructive manor.

What I'm trying to get across is, that even on a relatively large budget, rear discs are very low down the priority list. I believe that only 4 or 5 members on this site are using them.

Do you need them? or will your budget be better spent on other items?


In the 13's at last!.. Just


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

It is quite ok i have been riddiculed alot already as ive only been on about 2 hours ! All because i have a dream and do not want to follow in my brothers footsteps whos been driving 3 months and knackerd 3 cars due to them having hidden problems ! I am only wanting advice and help and thankyou for that yes i do agree with you i was just wondering if it neccasary to have rear disk brakes or not if it isnt it could be an additional feature later on in my future minis life i just want a reliable good car thats all!
Many Thanks

Rod S

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On 26th Jan, 2009 Powelly2008 said:

YOU really need to get reading

YOU (capitalised) is perhaps not the best way to start your first day of posting if you want real help...

xD ??????????

EDIT - posts out of step (I type slowly)....

Also I've just realised what the memory card in my Olympus is called......

Edited by Rod S on 26th Jan, 2009.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

I dont think been riddiculed my several people because i want advice and help is a very friendlyway to acept somebody to this forum site.

Doctor ????????


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

i do have an olympus memory card in the name of xd too Rod haha

Rod S

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On 26th Jan, 2009 Powelly2008 said:
I dont think been riddiculed my several people because i want advice and help is a very friendlyway to acept somebody to this forum site.

Doctor ????????

In which case I can only suggest you spend a bit of time reading (searching) the site and get to know the people who you want answers from, and how they react.

Again, that is not intended to be negative, but I have seen many "newbies" rejected, ignored, or even banned because they didn't start off with the right "attitude".

People will only help you if you come across as wanting to be helped, and not as aggressive/cocky etc.....

Just my personal thoughts.

Schrödinger's cat - so which one am I ???


33 Posts
Member #: 5042

I have asked simple questions and been told many of what you describe as 'cocky' answers from many people on this site so far saying i havent read into it enough i then have to reply explainin that i have and then that as seen as 'cocky' i dont quite understand that, anyway i am a genuine mini lover just wanting help, tips and advice from anybody who is willing to give it too me and if i can help you at the same time even better, i mean no disrespect to anybody on this site and yes i maybe 14 but i am an A* student wanting to become an architect/civil engineer i do have knowledge and i can do just about as much as any body else just because im young doesnt mean to say i cant do things.


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Alright Jac

The lads on here dont sugar coat stuff, so dont take it personally, or get offended if there answers are curt.

what the others are trying to say is stuff like rear discs etc are a bit ott for a road car, and as youll already ahve more than adequte drums, spend the moola elsewhere (like on the tyres, a nice 295 head or a better turbo etc..)

Anyhow good luck

"Turbo's make torque, and torque makes fun"

"did you know you can toast potato waffles?"

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