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Home > MS Code Discussions
You have read this thread. Topped: USE OF THIS SECTION !!! TurboDave16V 0 3498 TurboDave
3rd Jan, 2006
You have read this thread. base map for k1100 16vmini 0 3259 16vmini
24th Mar, 2015
You have read this thread. MPi injection characteristic data (1,2) TurboDave16V 45 12369 Dylan8660
18th Mar, 2012
You have read this thread. MS code error? gemertw 16 2528 gemertw
3rd Apr, 2011
You have read this thread. Any rolling road operaters who understand the MS code (1,2) Jimster 25 7225 fab
29th Jan, 2011
You have read this thread. Updated code jbelanger 0 2961 jbelanger
28th Jun, 2009
You have read this thread. New fully sequential mode jbelanger 16 2957 jbelanger
22nd May, 2009
You have read this thread. Fully Sequential Injection (1,2,3,4) Paul S 91 14199 Rod S
16th May, 2009
You have read this thread. Cam-aware siamese code, now with full sequential staged injection (1,2,3,4) jbelanger 99 14999 jbelanger
4th Mar, 2009
You have read this thread. Idle control jbelanger 14 4067 Mad Professor
28th Jul, 2008
You have read this thread. Siamese code update (1,2) jbelanger 36 9499 Rawden
17th Feb, 2007
You have read this thread. Staged injection info jbelanger 3 2936 TurboDave
13th Feb, 2007
You have read this thread. Feature wish list jbelanger 7 11271 TurboDave
18th Aug, 2006
You have read this thread. Staging mode jbelanger 2 2628 mrbell
15th Jan, 2006
You have read this thread. Staged injectors with MS ? TurboDave16V 12 2999 AlexF2003
12th Jan, 2006
You have read this thread. Description of the Rover MEMS (MPI) injection.... TurboDave16V 9 5731 TurboDave
5th Jan, 2006
You have read this thread. Why do we truly need to advance the injection ??? (1,2) TurboDave16V 30 9033 curta_crankn_daddy
5th Jan, 2006
You have read this thread. Initial siamese-port MSII code jbelanger 10 4166 jbelanger
4th Jan, 2006
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