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Home > 998cc
You have read this thread. Drop/transfer gear miniswordsman 0 741 miniswordsman
1st Dec, 2009
You have read this thread. Finally made a start on the engine (1,2) joeybaby83 49 5074 mini13
16th Nov, 2009
You have read this thread. Help identifying this block number miniswordsman 3 1680 miniswordsman
16th Nov, 2009
You have read this thread. center main strap on a 850cc? miniswordsman 11 1019 miniswordsman
14th Nov, 2009
You have read this thread. TT2 @ Rollers Today Ben H 16 1332 robert
14th Nov, 2009
You have read this thread. Too much for pistons? miniswordsman 3 973 miniswordsman
13th Nov, 2009
You have read this thread. 998 turbo what exactly is needed? gazzj 18 1567 GaryOS
4th Nov, 2009
You have read this thread. 998 turbo cams, what seems to be working & whats possible? (1,2) clubminiflip 49 5636 PaulH
1st Nov, 2009
You have read this thread. Poll: fast n/a 998cc (1,2) makie1199 28 5064 miniswordsman
29th Oct, 2009
You have read this thread. Just bought a 998 for my mrs.....:0S masterchief 1 810 mini13
17th Oct, 2009
You have read this thread. 998 +0.120" eaton_mini 7 1227 PaulH
6th Oct, 2009
You have read this thread. more power out of my 998!?! giacomo 11 1616 Advantage
2nd Oct, 2009
You have read this thread. How bigs to big? blake12345 9 1108 blake12345
29th Sep, 2009
You have read this thread. pitted valves Advantage 4 978 Advantage
16th Sep, 2009
You have read this thread. Possible setup mcalvert39 3 901 mcalvert39
13th Sep, 2009
You have read this thread. machining pockets chappers 14 3354 evolotion
12th Sep, 2009
You have read this thread. carb convertion to turbo carb sprint1380 4 1032 sprint1380
21st Aug, 2009
You have read this thread. Single point injection and megasquirt dan187 6 3990 Ben H
8th Aug, 2009
You have read this thread. Poor running on my N/A 998 johnnysti 5 927 johnnysti
6th Aug, 2009
You have read this thread. ecu setup ??? DVSMNI 3 858 apbellamy
5th Aug, 2009
You have read this thread. 12G940 Head on 998 with decomp plate? KevinK 10 2047 Spank
21st Jul, 2009
You have read this thread. vacumm pipes turboandy 2 934 turboandy
17th Jul, 2009
You have read this thread. Safe Rev Limit Paul S 7 1391 mini13
17th Jul, 2009
You have read this thread. T2 on a 998 Paul S 5 1091 shane
6th Jul, 2009
You have read this thread. dump valve fitting kit turboandy 12 1097 mini13
1st Jul, 2009
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