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Home > 998cc
You have read this thread. 998 cam TurboTom 3 1117 Tom Fenton
17th Feb, 2010
You have read this thread. Turbo or supercharge blake12345 3 1049 Advantage
16th Feb, 2010
You have read this thread. My 998 turbo project (1,2) kentmini 33 4557 alpa
14th Feb, 2010
You have read this thread. 998 Eaton M45 Supercharged Needle Choice pickmeup 6 2266 pickmeup
9th Feb, 2010
You have read this thread. 1098 turbo - pistons tedmcedd 7 1324 Vegard
8th Feb, 2010
You have read this thread. 998 sc drops wanted garrett3 14 1258 bigmini998
1st Feb, 2010
You have read this thread. Helpfull for home made t2 downpipes ? garrett3 12 1488 garrett3
31st Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. Turbo cracks.. how bad is this? pictures included garrett3 14 1298 garrett3
29th Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. alloy con rods joeybaby83 9 1336 Vegard
27th Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. Phase 2 miniswordsman 3 984 miniswordsman
26th Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. diy budget 998 turbo head pictures (1,2) garrett3 30 5043 garrett3
23rd Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. probloms in my 998 turbo engine build (1,2) clubminiflip 25 3225 gr4h4m
23rd Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. A and A+ drop gears, whats the difference? garrett3 1 968 chris dillow
21st Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. evaisive manifolds garrett3 2 947 garrett3
20th Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. block and heads retro-racer 1 930 Vegard
13th Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. Damaged cillinder wall what options Andrew 998 mini 7 946 Andrew 998 mini
10th Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. 12g295 and other parts. garrett3 4 916 BENROSS
7th Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. 998 - T2 and lots of budget help for newbie? garrett3 13 1203 garrett3
7th Jan, 2010
You have read this thread. What rods with 1098 crank (1,2) paul wiginton 38 4780 Vegard
27th Dec, 2009
You have read this thread. Sectioning 12G295 joeybaby83 11 1200 joeybaby83
18th Dec, 2009
You have read this thread. Main bearings on 998 A+ joeybaby83 14 1246 joeybaby83
17th Dec, 2009
You have read this thread. oil pump and stuff Advantage 7 1060 joeybaby83
12th Dec, 2009
You have read this thread. 998 Crank and Rods Jimster 5 1020 fastcarl
11th Dec, 2009
You have read this thread. 998 with sw5 cam minimonster 13 2168 GaryOS
3rd Dec, 2009
You have read this thread. Drop/transfer gear miniswordsman 8 933 miniswordsman
2nd Dec, 2009
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